
The Randall Chair was established in 2007 to honor the legacy of artist and educator Theodore Randall, remembered as the architect of the 艺术与设计学院 at Alfred and as a significant artist and organizer in the field.

兰德尔主席的职位是开放的, international artists living outside the United States as non-US citizens who, 凭借他们作为经验丰富的艺术家的地位, 会带来多元的文化洞察力吗.



热带雨林Aparicio, International Randall Chair in Sculpture in Alfred University’s 艺术与设计学院, 被评为2023年伯克奖得主, given by the Museum of 艺术 and 设计 (MAD) in New York City.

成立于2018年, the Burke Prize is a biennial award honoring excellence in contemporary craft and is named for craft collectors Marian and Russell Burke. 它奖励50美元的无限制奖金,000 to an artist aged 45 or under working in the United States, whose highly accomplished work is conceptually rigorous, 有关, and pushes the boundaries of materials and creative process.

Museum of 艺术 and 设计 press release on 2023 Burke Prize

Aparicio的工作, 没有仍, will be the focus of a special installation at the Museum on view from November 6, 2023年3月24日, 2024. Crafted from a reclaimed cemetery teddy bear and collected dandelion fluff, 没有仍 is part of a series that gives viewers the opportunity to consider death and human life and the heavy emotions that are often bound with the taboo nature of these topics.

Van Maltese(23年春季)


Multidisciplinary in breadth, Vanessa Maltese's (she/they - b. 1988, 多伦多, Canada) practice deploys various forms of trickery and illusion to pose questions about perception. Maltese is interested in the plasticity of the brain, and how conflicts of perception have the power to change our methods of thinking, 即使是在日常生活中. Maltese received a BFA from OCAD University in 2010. In 2012, Maltese was the National Winner of the RBC Canadian 绘画 Competition and in 2018 they attended the Glenfiddich Artist in Residence Program. Maltese has exhibited her work in solo and group exhibitions across North America, 最近一次是在COOPER COLE, 多伦多 (2021); Mickey Gallery, Chicago (2020); Corbett vs Dempsey, Chicago (2019); Night Gallery, Los Angeles (2019); The Power Plant, 多伦多 (2018); the National Gallery Library and Archives, Ottawa (2017); Carl Louie, London ON (2017); Nicelle Beauchene Gallery, New York (2016); Greenpoint Terminal Gallery, New York (2016); Art Museum of the University of 多伦多, 多伦多 (2016); and Erin Stump Projects, 多伦多(2012). Maltese currently lives and works in 多伦多, Canada.



Ziyang Wu is an artist based in Hangzhou and New York, currently teaching at the School of 设计 and Innovation at China Academy of Art, and is a current member of NEW INC at the New Museum. 罗德岛设计学院的艺术硕士学位, 并获得了佛罗伦萨美术学院的文学学士学位, 他的视频, AR, AI simulation and interactive video installation have exhibited internationally, including the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in Philadelphia, 根茎在纽约新博物馆展出, Walker Art Center and Rochester Art Center in Minnesota, 德克萨斯州的SXSW, 迪拜艺术博览会, 伦敦的Annka Kultys画廊, 柏林的Eigenheim画廊, 佛罗伦萨的美第奇宫, 米兰设计周, 北京今日美术馆, 成都双年展, Song Art Museum in Beijing and Ming Contemporary Art Museum in Shanghai. His recent fellowships and residencies include “Kai Wu” Interdisciplinary Studio residency, 媒体艺术实验室, Times Museum; AACYF Top 30 under 30; Residency Unlimited; MacDowell Fellowship; Artist-in-residence at 电子艺术学会 (IEA) at Alfred University; Winner of The ROCI Road to Peace by Robert Rauschenberg Art Foundation. 他的作品曾被Artnet评论和推荐, 布鲁克林的铁路, 很好, 时尚新加坡, Hypebeast, 登载中国, 国际华尔街, 纽约艺术基金会(NYFA), BIE, 神经杂志, Vie Des 艺术杂志, 赌注杂志, 领跑者杂志, 飞跃杂志, 同时代的杂志, 搅动世界杂志和更多.

Liet Heringa and Maarten Van Kalsbeek (Spring ‘22)

heringa and van kalsbeek in front of a large wall covered in artistic graffiti

The International Randall Chairs for the Division of Ceramic Art in the Spring Semester 2022 will be Liet Heringa and Maarten Van Kalsbeek, 来自荷兰的艺术家二人组.

The International Randall Chairs for the Division of Ceramic Art in the Spring Semester 2022 will be Liet Heringa and Maarten Van Kalsbeek, 来自荷兰的艺术家二人组.

超过25年了, 从他们在里特菲尔德学院的学生时代开始, they have regularly collaborated as Heringa/Van Kalsbeek on myriad projects in the Netherlands and internationally. 看一下 他们的网站和简历 to see the wide range of materials, methods, and projects they have engaged.

Liet and Maarten will be teaching Junior “Ceramic Sculpture II” within a thematic structure they provocatively titled “Frontstage/Backstage.”

Division Chair Walter McConnell states "I’ve had the pleasure of working with Liet and Maarten at a Korean Biennial in 2004. I can tell you from firsthand experience that they are hardworking prolific artists, fine and generous people with a wealth of knowledge to share and good fun to be around."